"Attention! The mystery surrounding acting/modelling/voice over jobs in Tokyo is revealed..."
Here's your chance to learn from my mistakes, discover all the vital information about Acting, Modeling and Narration in Tokyo quickly and easily so you can STOP wasting time and *start*
earning extra Yen - TODAY!
If you have ever seen or heard a foreigner on TV in Japan and wondered how you could be out there with them...
I've created this web page for you.
From: Matt Canham
Wednesday, 9:12pm
Dear Friend,
We all have our own pre-conceived ideas of the Entertainment industry and how it operates, but before I tell you all about the industry here, I want you to clear your mind of any thoughts you may have. Japan is indeed a unique place and the same can be said for the Entertainment industry here.
Always keep this in the back of your mind.
What is considered normal in the US, Australia and anywhere else for that matter does not apply to Japan. What I mean by this, is that if you thought you were too old, fat, thin, skinny, whatever to crack into Acting, modeling or voice overs back home and that Tokyo would be the same - you're wrong!
Click the button below now to receive my *free* special insider report on Acting/Modeling/narration jobs in Tokyo.
Dear Matt,
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your well written e-mails and homepage.
Your website and information is very impressive. You are very talented.
What address do I use to log into to view the e-book i bought from you? I need to access the names and phone number of some of the voice agencies..
If there is anything I can do for you too.. just ask.
Kurt KC Common
But what makes me such as expert?
I've been in the business since 1999. I was in almost every Soccer Commercial before the World Cup and have made well over 1.8 Million Yen from working on Acting Modeling and Narration jobs on a part time basis. I have personally introduced some of great people currently working on the circuit. People like Robert Tsonos and Alice Hacket, both now heavily involved with the Tokyo International Players and acting/voice-over coaching. I've met many great people just like you and I've worked with most of the biggest names in Japanese Music and Television.
The information in the ebook has been gathered over the last 6 years I have lived on and off in Tokyo. Between the others actors out there and myself, I have witnessed every mistake possible, done all the time consuming running around and learnt many things from doing acting jobs, so that you won't have to do any of it. You will walk into the agencies empowered with the knowledge and attitude to do the job.
Status is big in Japan.
This may come as a big surprise to you, but not everyone doing the same job gets paid the same. There is an unofficial ranking based on your attitude and how professional you are. Going in under prepared, or having only done a lot of low grade TV work, will work against you. The moment you walk in that door, they are already formulating a category you will fit into. And once you are in that category, it is very difficult to get out.
I started with my original list and plan of attack and within a very short time was going on and getting audition jobs. From these early times, the agencies saw I was polite, punctual and professional and was paid accordingly. I'd love to be able to say it was all fair and even, but it isn't. They will judge you based on how you present during registration. Many times on jobs, I know for a fact I was paid more for the jobs than the others. You'll know this too, when they tell you not to talk about your guarantee and you hear the other actors talking about what they are making.
As I'm sure you're already aware, there is a lot more to it than just dialing a phone number and having your photo taken. Your attitude and the way you come across will make a big difference as to whether you get jobs or not. But what about having the "right" look? Well, the simple answer to that is this - if you don't look or sound like a Japanese person, then you have what they want. Big nose, small nose, old, young, fat, thin, whatever. For the voice over/narration work, a North American accent is the key. There is a casting director somewhere who is looking or listening out for someone just like you.
Discover in minutes what took me years of hard work to unearth.

Mr Children Music Video 50,000 yen
I also know that once you have developed the right attitude and registered with all the agencies, the calls will start coming in for you to do acting, modeling and voice over jobs. I have met a lot of different Japanese people and have observed the way they interact with foreigners and with each other.
There is one thing that I can say unequivocally, regardless of the situation, Japanese people want to be entertained. You and I might not find a bad Donald Duck impersonation entertaining, but they do! Don't underestimate the simplicity of that statement.
I have been doing the jobs and running this site for so long now, that the whole thing is second nature to me. I am happy to say I know almost all the big players in town and have been fortunate enough to forge meaningful alliances with many buyers of the ebook. I have a talent for Investigative Journalism, and what you get in this ebook are the results of my research, but most importantly, you get my advice and support whenever you require it.
Ziplock container - Marathon runner. This big budget Dentsu CM was filmed in Chiba at a place called Tateyama. Very nice surroundings and a great day on the set. There I am out in front. If I can get a job like this, anyone can!
If I was a person interested in Acting, Modeling and Voice Over jobs in Tokyo and was reading this page, I would expect the ebook to contain information about...
- What visa you need to do Acting, Modeling and Narration work and how you go about getting one?
- How much money you can make.
- The 3 things you MUST have when registering to demonstrate your professionalism.
- The contact information for all the Agencies.
- The best way to handle auditions.
- The industry here and how you can avoid making mistakes.
- What to do if there is ever a problem on set.
- How to create an image that will get you considered for all types of jobs.
- How to find the cheapest flights and the myths about one-way tickets.
- A introduction to housing in Japan and how to find the best deals.
AND you will find all this plus more!
The ebook sells for $47, which is far less than a night out on the town in Roppongi. The lowest paying job I ever did was for 9,000 yen, which is still almost 100% more than cost of the ebook. Take a look at the list of jobs to see the rest. You only need one decent job to make this investment worthwhile.
Hi Matt!
Between you and me, I think you may not be charging enough. The stuff you made available once I got the E-book was good enough for me to join 8 agencies within a 3 weeks of arriving, get my first casting a week later and my first job two weeks after that. That was in March. 5 months later and things are going quite smooth!
Thank you so much.
But since you may be unsure about the Entertainment industry,
I 100% guarantee that your inhibitions, shyness, lack of confidence and inability to work under pressure will be a thing of the past. Experience the development that comes from doing multiple auditions under the intense gaze of Japanese production staff and other actors/models.
Take advantage of my 6 year education
If you don't have the time or inclination to mess around, and you want to start right away, with a professional, proven approach, then...
This is for you.
I know my approach brings results, and that if you follow the advice outlined in the ebook, you will see for yourself. But just to make it even easier for you to make a decision, I will include in the following bonuses:
Bonus #1 - Free Personal E-mail Consultations (Value $197)
I will answer any questions you may have and personally help you with any issues related to acting, modeling, narration or life in Japan. I often get emails from people apologizing for asking me basic questions, but that's why I'm here. This sort of personal service is completely unheard of, but I am pleased to offer it to you.
Bonus #2 - 20 of the best ebooks to motivate, inspire and help you grow as a person. (Value $97)
I have scoured the internet to find the most useful information to help you become a better person.
Titles include:
- Simplicity and Success: A simple organizing system for creating what matters most to you.
- How to overcome Failure and achieve success.
- How to overcome shyness.
- Your Workbook For Success.
- Visualize and achieve.
- How to use your memory to earn more money.
- Think and grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
- Think and grow rich workbook.
- Helen Keller's inspirational story.
- As a man thinketh: A timeless classic about how are thoughts create our world and everything we experience.
- Consciousness and success: A collection of articles about obtaining spiritual and material success.
- Acres of Diamonds: A wonderful fable about a search for a dream only to discover it was in the back yard.
- Affirmations course: Inspiring little course that teaches you what affirmations are and how to get the most out of them.
- Character-Building Thought Power.
- Empowerment, personal growth and creating a better world.
- The Magic Story.
- The Master Key system.
- The Power of concentration: If you will just practice a few concentration exercises each day you will find you will soon develop this wonderful power.
- Thought vibration: The Law of Attraction in the Thought World.
- Practical Mental Influence: The Law of Vibration.
In order to get really good at this, there are some skills you will need to develop. You will find them all in these bonus ebooks I have taken the time to find for you.
All the secrets I discovered in 6 years are yours in 3 minutes, when you are given access to the ebook immediately after your order is processed with our Secure Server at any time of the day or night.
The fastest way for you to order is with your credit card. All payments are processed by Paypal, the most respected and secure online payment system on the Internet.
- A user name/password to login and read the ebook.
- Unlimited email support.
- The 20 bonus ebooks.
And remember, I am always on hand to assist in any way at all. This extends to visas, housing and any other aspect of living in Tokyo. I am here to support you in any way.
All for just $47.
Best Regards,

Matt Canham
Cracking into the Acting, Modeling and Voice over world in Tokyo can be frustrating, but it really doesn't have to be that way. The answer to getting your start and finding the agencies is simple and you will find it in:
The Acting, Modeling and Narration
in Tokyo ebook.
Give it a try. It may be just the thing you need in order to start having fun earning money on the best acting, modeling and voice over jobs.